Books (2)
- Epistemological and Theoretical Foundations in Language Policy and Planning, (with Federico Gobbo, David Cassels Johnson, and Jorge Antonio Leoni de León). Cham: Palgrave McMillian (2023).
- The Evaluation of Language Regimes: Theory and Application to Multilingual Patent Organisations, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins (2014).
Edited books/ Journal Special Issues (4)
- The Routledge Handbook of Language Policy and Planning, (with François Grin, Linda Cardinal, Kathleen Heugh). London: Routledge (2024). See Preview.
- Language Skills, the Labor Market, and Socioeconomic Integration, (with Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin) Special Issue of Empirica/Journal of European Economics. New York/Berlin: Springer (2019).
Language Policy and Linguistic Justice: Economic, Philosophical and Sociolinguistic Approaches (with Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin), New York/Berlin: Springer (2018).- The Economics of Language Policy (with Bengt-Arne Wickström), Cambridge (MA)/London: MIT Press (2016).
Peer-reviewed journals (27)
- The Norwegian Language Policy in Higher Education: An Evaluation of Policy Design, (with Nina Teigland), Current Issues in Language Planning, (2024, forthcoming).
- Il futuro dell’indagine sociolinguistica CLAM: la politica linguistica trentina e quella friulana a confronto [The future of the CLAM sociolinguistic survey: Trentino and Friulian language policy in comparison], Mondo Ladino, 47, pp. 19-36 (2023).
- Towards an Index of Linguistic Justice, (with Bengt-Arne Wickstöm and Mark Fettes), Politics, Philosophy & Economics, vol. 22, n. 3, pp. 243–270 (2023).
- Emergency Language Policy. Principles and Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, (with Marco Civico, Cecilia Gialdini, and Gordon Marnoch), European Yearbook of Minority Issues, vol. 20, pp. 3-31 (2023 [2021]).
- Sprachenpolitik und Integration in Ausländerbehörden und Krankenhäusern: Der Fall Berlin und Leipzig, [Language Policy and Integration in Immigration Offices and Hospitals: The case of Berlin and Leipzig], (with Nicole Marinaro), Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik, pp. 57-84 (2022).
- Indagini sociolinguistiche e programmazione della politica linguistica per la tutela e promozione delle lingue di minoranza in Trentino, [Sociolinguistic surveys and language policy planning for the protection and promotion of minority languages in Trentino], (with Daniela Mereu), Mondo Ladino, 45, pp. 81-96 (2022).
- The value of foreign language skills in the German labour market, (with Sabrina Hahm), Labour Economics, vol. 76, 102150 (2022).
- Language competition and language shift in Friuli-Venezia Giulia: Projection and trajectory for the number of Friulian speakers to 2050, (with Torsten Templin), Sustainability, vol. 14, n. 6, 3319 (2022).
- Può la traduzione automatica favorire il plurilinguismo nell’Unione europea post-Brexit? [Can machine translation promote multilingualism in a post-Brexit European Union?] , Italiano digitale, n. 18, p. 128-135 (2021).
- Measuring diversity in multilingual communication, (with Torsten Templin and Lisa Mcentee-Atalianis), Social Indicators Research, 147(2): 545–566 (2020).
- Foreign language skills and employment status of European natives: Evidence from Germany, Italy and Spain, (with Daniele Mazzacani), Empirica - Journal of European Economics, vol. 46, n. 4, p. 713-740 (2019).
- Editorial: Language skills, the labor market, and socioeconomic integration, (with Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin), Empirica - Journal of European Economics, vol. 46, n. 4, p. 617-623 (2019).
- Sind Fremdsprachenkenntnisse mit dem Einkommen und
der Beschäftigung verbunden? Empirische Evidenz aus Deutschland und aus der Welt [Are language
skills associated with income and employment? Evidence from Germany and the
world], (with Sabrina Hahm and Bengt-Arne Wickström), Jahrbuch der
Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik, p.
57-79 (2018).
- Multilingualism and the international patent system: An assessment of the fairness of the language policy of WIPO, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, vol. 17, n. 3, p. 349-369 (2017).
- Per un’internazionalizzazione realmente plurilingue delle Università [For a genuine multilingual internationalisation of Universities], Italiano Digitale, vol 1, p. 77-80 (2017).
- Multilingual communication for whom? Language policy and fairness in the European Union, European Union Politics, vol. 17, n. 4, p. 546-569 (2016).
- The EU's financial support for regional or minority languages: A historical assessment, (with Tom Moring, François Grin, and Johan Häggmann), Treatises and Documents - Journal of Ethnic Studies, n. 77, p. 33-66 (2016).
- Programmazione e controllo della 'politica del plurilinguismo' nell'amministrazione federale svizzera [Programming and monitoring of the ‘policy of plurilingualism’ in the Swiss federal administration], Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata, vol. 45, n. 3, p. 479-497 (2016). French translation:"Programmation et suivi de la mise en œuvre de la «politique de plurilinguisme» dans l’administration fédérale suisse".
- Identifying and mitigating linguistic inequalities in the management of patent information in Europe, World Patent Information, vol. 40, p. 43–50 (2015).
- Linguistic justice in IP policies: Evaluating the language regime of the European Patent Office, (with Alessia Volpe), European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 38, n. 1, p. 47-70, (2014).
- Partecipazione,
esclusione linguistica e traduzione: Una valutazione del regime linguistico dell’Unione
europea [Participation, linguistic exclusion and translation: An evaluation of
the language regime of the EU], Studi italiani di linguistica teorica e
applicata, vol. 43, n. 2, p. 227-264 (2014).
- Is ELF more effective and fair than translation? An evaluation of the EU’s multilingual regime, (with François Grin), International Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol. 23, n.1, p. 93-107, (2013).
- The linguistic implications of academic performance indicators: general trends and case study, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, n. 216, p. 131-156, (2012).
- La valutazione della ricerca e l’internazionalizzazione dell’università: quali effetti sulla diversità linguistica? [The evaluation of research activities and the internationalisation of universities: what effects on linguistic diversity?], Plurilinguismo, vol. 15, p. 43-58, (2010).
- Assessing efficiency and fairness in multilingual communication: Towards a general analytical framework, (with François Grin), AILA Review, vol. 20, p. 87-105, (2007).
- Managing multilingualism in the European Union: Language policy evaluation for the European Parliament, Language Policy, vol. 5, n. 4, p. 393-417, (2006). Reprinted in Ricento, Tom (ed.) Language Policy and Planning. Critical Concepts in Linguistics. London: Routlege (2015).
- Lingue, potere e conflitto. L’economia della guerra delle lingue in Europa [Language, power and conflict: the economics of language war in Europe], Metàbasis, vol. 1, n. 1, p. 1-15, (2006).
Non peer-reviewed academic journals (11)
- Terminàlia parla amb…Michele Gazzola, Terminàlia, vol. 28, pp. 61-67 (2023).
- The politics and policy
of multilingualism in the European Union, (with Rocco Ronza), The Brown Journal
of World Affairs, vol. 25, n. 1, p. 55-66 (2018).
- Il multilinguismo svizzero nel sistema europeo dei brevetti [Swiss multilingualism in the European patent system], Babylonia, n. 3, p. 54-57 (2014).
Conti precisi sull’importanza economica delle lingue nei brevetti industriali [On the economic importance of language in industrial patents], La Crusca per Voi, n. 42, April, p. 8-10, (2011).- Quali lingue per il brevetto dell’Unione europea? Un’analisi economica [What languages for the European Union patent? An economic analysis], La Crusca per Voi, n. 41, October, p. 7-10, (2010).
- L’approccio economico alla pianificazione linguistica. Contributi recenti e riflessioni generali [The economic approach to language planning. Recent contributions and general considerations], Lingua
Italiana d’Oggi (LId’O), vol. 6, p. 103-117, (2010).
- Le traversie dell’italiano
in Europa: il caso dei concorsi comunitari [The vicissitudes of Italian in Europe: the case of EU open competitions], La Crusca per Voi, n. 40, April,
p. 4-6, (2010). Prova
- Le conseguenze linguistiche dell’internazionalizzazione dell’Università in Europa [The linguistic consequences of the internationalization of the University in Europe], Multilinguismo e Società, p. 59-66, (2009).
- -Esperanto translation: “Lingva diverseco kaj la internaciigo de la universitatoj en Eŭropo, in Blanke, Detlev, and Ulrich Lins (ed.): La arto labori kune. Festlibro por Humphrey Tonkin. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio, p. 151-156, (2010).
- -Catalan translation: “La internacionalització de les universitats europees: Els reptes en matèria de política lingüística”, in Esperanto i drets lingüístics, Recull d’articles 2005-2008, Hèctor Alòs i Font (ed.). Bacelona: Associació Catalana d’Esperanto, p. 30-35, (2008).
- Una tassa linguistica sui paesi anglofoni? Equità e comunicazione internazionale in Europa [A language tax on English-speaking countries? Equity and international communication in Europe], Lingua Italiana d’Oggi (LId’O), vol. 5, p. 123-126, (2009).
- I sistemi di valutazione dell’Università: quali insidie per l’italiano? [University evaluation systems: what pitfalls for the Italian language?], La Crusca per Voi, n. 38, April, p. 8-12, (2009).
- Internazionalizzazione dell’Università e nuove sfide per la lingua italiana [Internationalisation of the university and new challenges for the Italian language], La Crusca per Voi, n. 36, April 2008, p. 3-8, (2008).
Book chapters / Conference proceedings (36)
Language Policy and Planning: From Theory to Practice, (with François Grin, Linda Cardinal, Kathleen Heugh), in Michele Gazzola, François Grin, Linda Cardinal, and Kathleen Heugh (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Policy and Planning . London: Routledge, pp. 1-33 (2024).
The Economics of Language Policy and Planning, (with Bengt-Arne Wickström), in Michele Gazzola, François Grin, Linda Cardinal, and Kathleen Heugh (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Policy and Planning. London: Routledge, pp. 158-171 (2024).
Indicators in Language Policy and Planning, (with Gabriele Iannàccaro), in Michele Gazzola, François Grin, Linda Cardinal, and Kathleen Heugh (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Policy and Planning. London: Routledge, pp. 331-348 (2024).
La ‘anglificazione’ dell’università in Europa è evitabile? Analisi e proposte per una università plurilingue, in Actes de la Vuitena Jornada de la Càtedra Pompeu Fabra, “Compromís de la uni-versitat amb la llengua catalana: reptes i oportunitats. Barcelona: Universidad Pompeu Fabra, pp. 29-41 (2023).
La progettazione del sistema informativo del Piano generale di politica linguistica per la lingua friulana 2021-2025, [Designing the information system of the General Language Policy Plan for the Friulian language 2021-2025], in Atti della 3a Conferenza regionale di verifica e proposta sull'attuazione della Legge regionale 29/2007. Trieste: Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia, pp. 91-102 (2022).
Principi di programmazione, attuazione e valutazione di una politica linguistica, in Agresti, Giovanni and Francesc Feliu Torrent (eds.), Penser et évaluer les politiques linguistiques. Terrains, critères, indicateurs. Rome: Aracne, pp. 47-70 (2022).
Effectiveness of policy measures and language dynamics, (with Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin), in François Grin, László Marácz, and Nike Pokorn (eds.), Advances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, p. 319-342 (2022).
The potential future of plurilingualism and the role
of language policy, in Piccardo, Enrica, Aline Germain-Rutherford, and Geoff
Lawrence (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Plurilingual Language Education. New
York: Routledge, 502-503 (2021).
- Mezuri lingvan justecon: indikiloj kaj indicoj [Measuring linguistic justice: indexes and indicators], in Anna Striganova, Dmitrij Ŝevĉenko, and Amri Wandel (eds.), Internacia Kongresa Universitato 74-a sesio. Impeto, p. 53-62 (2021).
- Evaluating language policy and planning: An introduction to the economic approach, (with François Grin and François Vaillancourt), in Cécile B. Vigouroux and Salikoko S. Mufwene (eds.), Bridging Linguistics and Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 109-139 (2020).
- An economics approach to language policy and linguistic justice, (with Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin), in Michele Gazzola, Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin (eds.), Language Policy and Linguistic Justice: Economics, Philosophical and Sociolinguistic Approaches. New York/Berlin: Springer, p. 3-64 (2018).
- Also published as CESIfo Working Paper 6726.
- Le plurilinguisme européen après le Brexit. Quels effets sur la participation démocratique et la mobilité des citoyens européens? [European multilingualism after Brexit. What effects on democratic participation and mobility of European citizens?], (with Till Burckhardt), in Jean-Claude Barbier (ed.), Un retour des nations en Europe? Réflexions sur la crise politique de l'Union européenne. Paris: La Documentation Française, p. 75-103, (2018).
- Les classements des universités et les indicateurs bibliométriques : Quels effets sur le multilinguisme dans l’enseignement et la recherche? [University rankings and bibliometric indicators: What effects on multilingualism in teaching and research?], in Le Lièvre, Françoise, Mathilde Anquetil, Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen, Christiane Fäcke, and Martine Derivry (eds.), Langues et cultures dans l’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur au XXIe siècle. (Re)penser les politiques linguistiques : anglais et plurilinguisme. Bern/Berlin: Peter Lang, p. 131-162 (2018).
- Can the free market manage language diversity?, (with Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin), in Grin, François, Manuel Célio Conceição, Peter A. Kraus, László Marácz, Žaneta Ozoliņa, Nike K. Pokorn, and Anthony Pym (eds.), The MIME Vademecum: Mobility and inclusion in multilingual Europe. Geneva: The MIME Project, p. 34-35 (2018).
- How does foreign language teaching influence the costs of migration?, (with Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin), in Grin, François, Manuel Célio Conceição, Peter A. Kraus, László Marácz, Žaneta Ozoliņa, Nike K. Pokorn, and Anthony Pym (eds.), The MIME vademecum: Mobility and inclusion in multilingual Europe. Geneva: The MIME Project, p. 44-45 (2018).
- Do costs matter in language policy?, (with Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin), in Grin, François, Manuel Célio Conceição, Peter A. Kraus, László Marácz, Žaneta Ozoliņa, Nike K. Pokorn, and Anthony Pym (eds.), The MIME vademecum: Mobility and inclusion in multilingual Europe. Geneva: The MIME Project, p. 50-51 (2018).
- Should the government slow down the decline of minority communities?, (with Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin), in Grin, François, Manuel Célio Conceição, Peter A. Kraus, László Marácz, Žaneta Ozoliņa, Nike K. Pokorn, and Anthony Pym (eds.), The MIME vademecum: Mobility and inclusion in multilingual Europe, Geneva: The MIME Project, p. 58-59 (2018).
- How important is demolinguistic concentration for the survival of minority languages in a world of increasing mobility?, (with Bengt-Arne Wickström and Torsten Templin), in Grin, François, Manuel Célio Conceição, Peter A. Kraus, László Marácz, Žaneta Ozoliņa, Nike K. Pokorn, and Anthony Pym (eds.), The MIME vademecum: Mobility and inclusion in multilingual Europe. Geneva: The MIME Project, p. 64-65 (2018).
- Comparative language policy and evaluation: Concepts, indicators and implications for translation policy, (with François Grin), in Reine Meylaerts and Gabriel González Nuñez (eds.), Translation and Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Case Studies. London: Routledge, p. 83-112 (2017).
- Language skills and employment status of adult migrants in Europe, in Beacco, Jean-Claude, Hans-Jürgen Krumm, David Little and Philia Thalgott (eds.), The linguistic integration of adult migrants. Some lessons from research. Berlin: Mouton-De Gruyter, p. 297-302 (2017).
- Il valore economico del plurilinguismo. Principi generali e considerazioni sul caso dell’italiano [The economic value of multilingualism. General principles and considerations concerning the case of Italian] (with Daniele Mazzacani), in Alessandro Masi and Valeria Noli (eds.), Geocultura. Prospettive, strumenti, metodologie per un mondo in italiano. Rome: Società Dante Alighieri, p. 23-33 (2017).
- Multilinguismo ed economia in Italia [Multilingualism in the Italian economy], in Cabiddu, Maria Agostina (ed.), L’italiano alla prova dell’internazionalizzazione. Milan: Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati, p. 59-82 (2017).
- Multilinguisme et équité: l’impact d’un changement de régime linguistique européen en Espagne, France et Italie [Multilingualism and equity: the impact of a change in the language regime of the EU in Spain, France and Italy], in Agresti, Giovanni and Joseph G. Turi (eds.), Représentations sociales des langues et politiques linguistiques. Déterminismes, implications, regardes croisés. Rome: Aracne, p. 269-286 (2017).
EU language policy and English, in Andrew Linn (ed.), Investigating
English in Europe – Contexts and Agendas. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter-Mouton, p.
138-144 (2016).
- Documenti e orientamenti dell'Unione europea in materia di multilinguismo: una classificazione degli atti [EU documents and guidelines on multilingualism: a taxonomy], in Paolo Caretti and Giuseppe Mobilio (eds.), La lingua come fattore di integrazione sociale e politica. Turin: Giappichelli, p. 99-132 (2016).
- Economic research on English in Europe, in Andrew Linn (ed.), Investigating English in Europe – Contexts and Agendas. Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter-Mouton, p. 185-191 (2016).
- Introduction, (with Bengt-Arne Wickström), in Gazzola, Michele and Bengt-Arne Wickström (eds.), The Economics of Language Policy. Cambridge (MA)/London: MIT Press, p. 1-18, (2016).
A concise bibliography of language economics, (with François Grin and
Bengt-Arne Wickström), in Gazzola, Michele and Bengt-Arne Wickström (eds.), The
Economics of Language Policy. Cambridge (MA)/London: MIT Press, p. 53-92,
- Also published as CESIfo Working Paper 5530.
- Il valore economico delle lingue [The economic value of languages], in Gobbo, Federico (ed.), Lingua, politica, cultura: Serta gratulatoria in honorem Renato Corsetti. New York: Mondial, p. 47-54 (2016).
- Kial lingva politiko gravas por justeco kaj demokratio? [Why does language policy matter for justice and democracy?], in Košecký, Stanislav (ed.), Prilingve en Nitro: politike, historie, teorie, instrue. Fakaj prelegoj prezentitaj kadre de la 101-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio, p. 49-50, (2016).
- Valutare una politica linguistica. Teoria e applicazione all’Organizzazione mondiale della proprietà intellettuale [Evaluating a language policy. Theory and application of intellectual property to the World Organisation], in Bruno, Carla, Simone Casini, Francesca Gallina, and Reymond Siebetcheu (eds.), Plurilinguismo / Sintassi. Atti del XLVI Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI). Rome: Bulzoni editore, p. 67-84, (2015).
- Lingva justeco: kiel taksi ĝin? La ekzemplo de Eŭropa Unio
(Linguistic Justice: How to evaluate it? The example of the European Union),
in Vergara, José-Antonio (ed.), Proceedings of the Internacia Kongresa
Universitato, 67th session. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio, p. 74-89,
- Also published as: "Lingva justeco kaj esperantismo”, in
Fritz Wollenberg (ed), Esperanto. Lingvo kaj kulturo en Berlino kaj
Brandenburgio 111 jaroj, New York: Mondial, p. 301-313, (2017).
Catalan translation, “Justícia Lingüístia: com avaluar-la? L’exemple de la Unió Europea”, in Kataluna esperantisto. Llengua internacional i drets lingüístics, n. 364-365 (130-131) December 2015, p. 3-12.
- Assessing efficiency and fairness in multilingual communication: theory and application through indicators, (with François Grin), in Berthoud, Anne-Claude, François Grin and Georges Lüdi (eds.), Exploring the Dynamics of Multilingualism. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, p. 365–386, (2013).
- Perché l’anglificazione completa dei programmi universitari è inefficace ed iniqua [Why teaching only in English is ineffective and unfair], in Nicoletta Maraschio and Domenico De Martino (eds.), Fuori l’italiano dall’università? Inglese, internazionalizzazione, politica linguistica. Rome: Laterza, p. 87-94, (2012).
- La puissance économique du français [The economic power of French], (with François Grin), in Maurais, Jacques (ed.), L'avenir du français. Paris: Editions des archives contemporaines, p. 53-57, (2008).
- La gestione del multilinguismo nell'Unione europea [Managing multilingualism in the EU], in Carli, Augusto (ed.), Le sfide della politica linguistica di oggi. Fra la valorizzazione del multilinguismo migratorio locale e le istanze del plurilinguismo europeo. Milan: FrancoAngeli, p. 17-117, (2006).
Reports (5)
- The European Union’s approach to multilingualism in its own communications policy, (with Carlos Mendez, Laure Clément-Wilz, Vicky Triga, Fernando Mendez, Costa Djouvas, Antonis Charamboulos, and John Bachtler). Brussels: European Parliament (2022).
- Indicatori e risultati. Principi e linee guida per lo sviluppo di un sistema informativo utile alla programmazione e alla valutazione della politica linguistica a sostegno delle minoranze tradizionali nella Provincia Autonoma di Trento (cimbri, ladini e mòcheni), (with Daniela Mereu and Till Burckhardt). Trento: Autorità per le minoranze linguistiche - Provincia Autonoma di Trento (2021).
- Il valore delle competenze linguistiche: Il Piano “Trentino Trilingue” visto da una prospettiva economica. Trento: Provincia autonoma di Trento – Istituto provinciale per la ricerca e la sperimentazione educativa (IPRASE) (2017).
- European Strategy for Multilingualism: Benefits and Costs, Brussels: European Parliament (2016).
- The aspect of culture in the social inclusion of ethnic minorities. Evaluation of the impact of inclusion policies under the open method of co-ordination: Assessing the cultural policies of six Member States of the European Union, (with Tove Malloy), Flensburg: European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) (2006).
Book reviews (5)
- Stefaan van der Jeught: EU Language Law, Language Problems & Language Planning, vol.43, n.3, p. 351-355, (2019).
Gabrielle Hogan-Brun: Linguanomics: What is the Market Potential of Multilingualism?, Language Policy, vol. 17, p. 641–643, (2018).- Cornelia Streidt “Les langues au
Parlement européen : L’usage des langues officielles par les eurodéputés”,
Sociolinguistica, vol. 24, p. 231-235, (2010).
- Dell’Aquila,
Vittorio and Iannàccaro, Gabriele, "La pianificazione linguistica. Lingue,
società e istituzioni", Language Problems & Language Planning, vol.
32, n. 2, p. 201-206, (2007).
- Gardt, Andreas and Hüppauf, Bernd (eds.) “Globalization and the Future of German”, Language and Education, vol. 20, n. 2, p. 165-166, (2006).
Workig Papers (2)
- Multilingualism, efficiency and fairness: preliminary considerations regarding the role of creativity in a set of structural relationships, (with François Grin), DYLANWorking Paper No. 4, (2009).
- Efficiency and Fairness. Deliverable No. 3, (with François Grin) DYLAN Working Paper No.3, (2009).
Dissertations (3)
- The economic evaluation of efficiency and fairness in the management of multilingual communication: The case of patent offices, PhD thesis, University of Geneva, Switzerland, (2011).
- The welfare economics of language planning and the evaluation of language policies, MSc Dissertation, University of York, UK, (2006).
- La relazione fra i costi economici e i costi politici del multilinguismo nell'Unione europea, BA dissertation, Università “L. Bocconi”, Milan, Italy, (2003).
Other publications: newspapers, magazines, web-magazines (29)
Omaĝo al la datreveno de la Universala Deklaracio de Homaj Rajtoj, Esperanto, 1387(2), 2024, p. 38-39.
English still rules the world, but that’s not necessarily OK. Is it time to curb its power?, The Guardian, 27 December 2023.
Una legge per la tutela e la promozione della lingua italiana? Sì, ma…, Linguisticamente, 21 giugno 2023.
No taxation without translation, Imminent, 2021.
Perché a scuola
conviene studiare il tedesco e il francese più dell’inglese, Corriere della
Sera, 2 July 2020.
- Lingva justeco kaj esperantismo en perspektivo, L’esperanto vol 96 (6), 2019, p. 7-17.
- Why teaching in English may not be such a good idea, The Times Higher Education, 27 November 2017.
- A 'one-language' policy would foster elitism and his disproportionately the least advantaged, Democratic Audit UK and European Politics and Policy, 20 August 2016.
- Internazionalizzazionde dell’università e giustizia linguistica, L’esperanto, vol. 93, n. 2, 2016, p. 27-29.
- Runder Tisch zur Sprachgerechtigkeit an Universitäten, Interlinguistische Informationen, Mitteilungsblatt der Gesellschaft für Interlingvistik e.V., Nr. 98 (1, 2016), p. 2.
- Erster Weltkongress über Sprachenrechte, (with Davide Astori and Federico Gobbo), Interlinguistische Informationen, Mitteilungsblatt der Gesellschaft für Interlingvistik e.V., Nr. 96-97 (3-4, 2015), p. 4-5.
- Ökonomie, sprachliche Gerechtigkeit und Sprachpolitik, Interlinguistische Informationen, Mitteilungsblatt der Gesellschaft für Interlingvistik e.V., Nr. 94-95 (1-2, 2015), p. 2-5.
- Il falso mito dell'inglese: né democratico, né redditizio, Corriere della Sera ("La Lettura"), 30 November 2014, p. 5.
- Multilingualism and social justice in Europe, Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Blog, August 2014.
- Effetti linguistici della valutazione della ricerca, Scienza in rete, 2 November 2012.
- Nell’Europa dei diritti non c’è giustizia per gli idiomi, Madrelingua (supplement of “Pagine della Dante”), n. 1, year 2, January-March 2012, p. 3.
- La lingua del brevetto nell’Unione Europea. Una questione di costi e giustizia distributiva, Il Giornale dell’Ingegnere, N. 6 - 15 March 2011, p. 3.
- Nitobe – per la giustizia e la democrazia linguistica, L’esperanto, vol. 88, n. 2, March/April 2011, p. 9-10.
- La polemica delle lingue in Europa. Meglio una politica plurilingue,, 1 May 2010.
- Università e inglese, L’esperanto, vol. 39, n. 7, January/February 2008, p. 3.
- Le français : quelle importance dans l’économie mondiale?, (with François Grin) Forces, vol. 40, n. 152, p. 18-20, (2008).
- Too much English spoken in Europe?, Cafébabel, 25 September 2008 [available also in Italian, French, German, Polish and Spanish].
- L'Italiano, lingua tassata ed estromessa dall'università, Cronaca d'Abruzzo, 27 December 2007.
- Che cos’è una lingua franca?, L’esperanto, vol. 37, n. 2, March/April 2006, p. 3-4.
- Osservazioni sulla politica linguistica in Italia, L’esperanto, vol. 37, n. 1, January/February 2006. p. 3-4.
- Quello che gli esperantisti non dicono, L’esperanto, vol. 36, n. 6, September 2005, p. 3-4.
- Multilingualism in the European Union and its Costs, in Multilinguismo? Sì grazie!, Webpages of the Representation of the European Commission in Milan [also in Italian], 2003.
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