Conference presentations refereed at the abstract stage, and presentations to academic conferences as an invited speaker
  • “Public policy and language policy: theory and methods”, Research methodologies and regional or minority language research Conference, Aberystwyth University, 9-10 July 2024 [Invited speaker]. 
  • “Evaluating the language policy for the protection and promotion of the Friulian language”, Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, 27-30 June 2024.
  • “The language policy cycle as a framework for language policy and planning research”, 25° Sociolinguistics Symposium, Curtin University, Perth, 24-27 June 2024.
  • “An assessment of the implementation of the language policy promoting the Friulian language”, Fifth biannual REAL symposium, Human capital, languages, and new literacies: Theories, policies, and impacts, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, 3-4 June 2024.
  • “Il Manuale Routledge di Politica e Pianificazione Linguistica”, Seminar «Le politiche linguistiche ieri, oggi e domani: Ricordando Gabriele Iannàccaro», Università di Catania, 6-7 May 2024.
  • “Public Administration and linguistic Justice: An index for the evaluation of fairness of public language policy”, 74th PSA Annual International Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 25 - 27 March 2024.
  • “Multilingualism in EU digital communication”, Languaging Diversity 2023, Università degli Studi di Torino, 14-16 December 2023 [invited speaker].
  • “Interlinguistik als Bereich der Sprachenpolitik und Sprachplanung (SPP)“, 33. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik e.V. (GIL), „Plansprachen und Typologie“, Berlin, 24-26 November 2023.
  • “Monolingual multilingualism? Decolonising the European Union’s communication policy after Brexit”, Language Policy Forum 2023, SOAS, University of London, 15-16 June 2023.
  • “Are civil servants working in their first language more satisfied in the workplace? Evidence from Canada” (with René Houle and François Vaillancourt), 73rd PSA Annual International Conference 2023, University of Liverpool, 03 - 05 April 2023.
  • “Does the European Union suffer from a communication deficit? Exploring the multilingual communication patterns of EU actors on social media” (with Carlos Mendez, Fernando Mendez, and Costas Djouvas), 73rd PSA Annual International Conference 2023, University of Liverpool, 03 - 05 April 2023.
  • “La ‘anglificazione’ dell’università in Europa è evitabile? Analisi e proposte per una università plurilingue”, Vuitena Jornada de la Càtedra Pompeu Fabra, “Compromís de la universitat amb la llengua catalana: reptes i oportunitats”. Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University, 3-4 November 2022 [Invited speaker].
  • "University rankings, incentives and language policy in higher education”, 7th International Conference on Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education EMI, ICLHE and Englishization: Reflecting on the Changing University, Maastricht University, 18-21 October 2022.
  • “Assessing linguistic inequalities in the EU communication policy after Brexit” (with Carlos Mendez, Fernando Mendez, and Costas Djouvas), Authority, power, and language, University of Limerick / Ollscoil Luimnigh, 18-20 October 2022.
  • “Language Policy and Individuals’ Income: Are English Language Skills Rewarded in the German Labour Market?”, Annual conference of the British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL), Queen's University Belfast, 1-3 September 2022.
  • “Job satisfaction and use of official languages in the workplace: evidence from the federal civil service of Canada” (with René Houle and François Vaillacourt), LPP conference Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning, McGill University, 25-27 August 2022.
  • “Language education policy and the value of foreign language skills in Germany”, Sociolinguistics Symposium 24, Universiteit Gent, 13-16 July 2022.
  • “Can multilingualism in the public administration be promoted with economic incentives? A comparative analysis” (with Daniele Mazzacani), Rules and incentives in language policy and planning: Economic, legal, and sociolinguistic approaches, Andrássy‐Universität Budapest and University of Public Service – Ludovika, 15-17 June 2022.
  • “Better in the mother tongue? Job satisfaction and use of official languages on the workplace: Evidence from the federal civil service of Canada” (with René Houle and François Vaillacourt), Rules and incentives in language policy and planning: Economic, legal, and sociolinguistic approaches, Andrássy‐Universität Budapest and University of Public Service – Ludovika, 15-17 June 2022.
  • “Quanto costa e quanto vale il multilinguismo europeo?, Convegno Quale/i lingua/e per l’Europa?, Università di Parma, 10 May 2022 [invited speaker].
  • “Promoting bilingualism in the public administration through monetary incentives: An international comparative analysis”, Political Studies Association Annual International Conference 2022, the University of York, 11 - 13 April 2022.
  • "Language policy and the economic value of foreign language skills in Germany” (con Sabrina Hahm), Language and rights, 2021 CEL/ELC Online Conference, Universiteit Antwerpen, 2-3 December 2021.
  • “Measuring the economic value of language skills on the labour market”, International Conference: Multilingualism in professional life. Manifestations, management, Università di Verona, 25-26 November 2021 [keynote].
  • "Economic regional development and support to minority languages: The case of the Cimbrian and Mocheno languages in the Autonomous Province of Trento”, Socio-economic Participation of National Minorities, European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg, 11-12 November 2021.
  • “La promozione di una lingua di minoranza dal punto di vista dell'analisi delle politiche pubbliche”, Terzo colloquio internazionale sul plurilinguismo, Università di Udine, 8-12 November 2021.
  • “Policy Instruments and the Promotion of Multilingualism in the Public Administration: A Comparative Analysis of Canada and Switzerland”, Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language. Policy and Planning Conference. McGill University, 26–28 August 2021.
  • "Language Policy Instruments and the Promotion of Multilingualism in the Federal Public Administration of Canada and Switzerland” IPSA 26th World Congress of Political Science, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 10-15 July 2021.
  • “The Promotion of Multilingualism in the Public Administration through Policy Instruments”, 71st Annual International Conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA), Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), 29-31 March 2021.
  • “Planning and monitoring the policy in support of minority languages in the autonomous province of Trento: the role of indicators”, 18th International conference on minority languages, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, 24-26 March 2021.
  • "Les classements des universités comme instrument de politique linguistique”, Imagining the future of multilingualism education and society at a turning point, CEL/ELC Virtual Forum, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 3-4 December 2020.
  • “Language Skills, Occupations and Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence from Recent Research”, Competències Lingüístiques en l’Àmbit Laboral, Universitat Roviri i Virgili, Reus, 21 February 2020 [invited speaker].
  • “Mehrsprachigkeit verwalten: Eine Taxonomie der Instrumente”, 29. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik e.V. (GIL), „Internationale Sprachen und internationale Konflikte“, Berlin, 22-24 November 2019.
  • “Multilingualism in the Public Administration”, 2nd International Colloquium on Plurilingualism, Centro Internazionale sul Plurilinguismo, Università di Udine, 13-15 November 2019.
  • “Les compétences linguistiques dans le marché du travail”, Premier Congrès du Réseau international POCLANDE (Populations, Cultures, Langues et Développement), Les Territoires de la linguistique pour le développement Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Bordeaux, 23-25 October 2019 [keynote speaker].
  • “Language skills in the economy and in the labour market”, UK Language Policy after Brexit 2019: The balance between foreign, indigenous, and community languages, Queen's University Belfast, 2 September 2019.
  • “The instruments of language policy: a comparative analysis”, Center for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, University of Toronto, 17 June 2019 [invited speaker].
  • “Policy instruments and the multilingual public administration”, Language policy forum 2019: language policy: lenses, layers, entry points, University of Edinburgh, 30-31 May 2019.
  • “The multilingual public administration: A comparative analysis of Canada and Switzerland”, Language Rights - 50 years of Implementing the Official Languages Act: review and prospects, 87° annual congress of the Association francophone pour le savoir, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, Canada, 29 May 2019.
  • “L’évaluation des politiques linguistiques dans les organisations plurilingues”, Observatoire de la Francophonie économique de l’Université de Montréal - Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, 18 April 2019 [invited speaker].
  • “Language policy as provision of public goods. The case of Berlin and Leipzig”, Colloquium Interdisciplinarity and the future of multilingualism research, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 28-29 August 2018.
  • “Internazionalizzazione dell'Università e politiche linguistiche”, Italienzentrum, Freie Universität Berlin, Workshop on Lingua, diritto e cultura, 10 July 2018 [invited speaker].
  • “Language skills in the labour market”, 22nd Sociolinguistics Symposium, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 27-30 June 2018.
  • “What are the Economic Effects of Language Regimes? The case of the World Intellectual Property Organisation and the European Patent Office”, Multilingualism in International Organizations and in International Co-operation, The Study Group on Language at the United Nations & The Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems, Church center, New York, 10-11 May 2018 [keynote speaker].
  • “La politica linguistica come politica pubblica: Il ruolo della valutazione”, Centro internazionale sul plurilinguismo, Università di Udine, 11 April 2018 [invited speaker].
  • “Le sfide linguistiche dell'internazionalizzazione dell'Università in Europa e in Italia”, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali, Università di Padova, 9 April 2018 [invited speaker].
  • “English medium of instruction: how significant is EMI as a tool for higher education expansion and excellence?”, MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Universities Summit, Fulfilling our potential: developing the knowledge economy for the MENA region, King Abdulaziz University (جامعة الملك عبد العزيز), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 19-21 March 2018 [invited speaker].
  • “Les effets des classements internationaux des universités sur la diversité linguistique dans la communication scientifique”, VIII World scientific congress, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 11-13 December 2017 [invited speaker].
  • “Sprachen und Arbeitsmarkt”, Mehrsprachigkeit in Europa, 27. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik e.V. (GIL), Berlin, 10-12 November 2017.
  • “Analisi e valutazione di una politica linguistica: teoria e applicazione al caso dell'amministrazione federale svizzera”, Annual Congress of the Italian Political Science Society, Università “Carlo Bo”, Urbino 14-16 September 2017.
  • “An economics view on optimal language policy” (with Bengt-Arne Wickström), MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory – University of Manchester, UK, 11-13 September 2017.
  • “Quantitative Indicators for the Planning & Monitoring of Language Policies in Multilingual Organisations” (with T. Templin), workshop Language Policy and Planning in Multilingual Organisations: Exploring Language Regimes, Birkbeck University of London, United Kingdom, 3 July 2017.
  • “Language skills and employability: Evidence from Germany, Italy and Spain”, International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Limerick, 11-15 June 2017.
  • “Politiche linguistiche, mercato ed equità”, Workshop «Per una politica linguistica democratica – mobilità e integrazione», Università di Milano-Bicocca, Milan, 26 May 2017 [invited speaker].
  • “Mercato, società e politica linguistica”, X Convegno Nazionale AICLU “Le lingue dei centri linguistici nelle sfide europee e internazionali: formazione e mercato del lavoro”, Università per stranieri di Siena, 18-20 May 2017 [keynote speaker].
  • “Il plurilinguismo nell’insegnamento universitario”, workshop Novità sull'italiano. Politica linguistica, scuola e università; Accademia della Crusca, Florence, 4 May 2017 [invited speaker].
  • “Valutare una politica linguistica: il caso della ‘politica del plurilinguismo’ nell’amministrazione federale svizzera”, XX National Congress of the Italian Evaluation Society, Università di Padova, 20-22 April 2017.
  • "Multilingualism and linguistic justice in the European Union", First Worldwide Congress for Language Rights, University of Teramo, Italy, Teramo-Giulianova, Italy, 19-23 May 2015.
  • "L’economia del multilinguismo”, Università di Torino - Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, 9 February 2017 [keynote speaker].
  • “Évaluation et politiques linguistiques : modèles et indicateurs”, Évaluer les politiques linguistiques : Quels objectifs, critères, indicateurs ? 10èmes Journées des Droits Linguistiques - JDL 2016 Colloque international – University of Teramo, Italy, 14-16 December 2016.
  • “Foreign language skills and employability in Germany, Italy and Spain”, Workshop Language and Occupations, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Terragona, Spain, 24-25 October 2016 [invited speaker].
  • “Multilingualism and social equity in the European Union”, Workshop Modern Languages, Global English and the Future of the EU, University of London, UK, 21 September 2016 [invited speaker].
  • “Is the European Commission's de facto language regime effective? An empirical assessment", 24th World Congress of Political Science, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, 23-28 July 2016.
  • “Language skills and employment status of adult migrants in Europe”, Symposium The linguistic integration of adult migrants: lessons from research, Council of Europe, Strasburg, France, 30 March – 1 April 2016.
  • "Documenti e orientamenti dell’Unione europea in materia di multilinguismo", Final conference of the project PRIN 2010-11 «La lingua come fattore di integrazione sociale e politica», Università di Firenze, Italy, 18 March 2016 [invited speaker].
  • "Les politiques linguistiques dans l’enseignement académique et dans la recherche : questions de coûts, d’efficience et d’équité", Le plurilinguisme, le pluriculturalisme et l’anglais dans la mondialisation, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, Angers, France, 7-10 October 2015 [keynote speaker].
  • "Foreign Languages and Employability: Evidence from Europe”, “Multidisciplinary approaches in language policy and planning” conference, the University of Calgary, Canada, 3-5 September 2015.
  • "Multilingualism As Social Policy: Assessing the Fairness of the EU’s Language Regime", Council for European Studies, 22nd International Conference of Europeanists, Sciences-Po, Paris, France, 8-10 July 2015.
  • "Il valore economico delle lingue. Un'introduzione all'economia linguistica", Conférences du printemps 2015: Des langues «en partage» dans les organisations: penser au pluriel la communication internationale, Università di Torino, 27 April 2015 [invited speaker].
  • “Assessing the Effects of Language Policies: The Case of the EU”, 4th European User Conference for EU-Microdata, GESIS-Eurostat, Mannheim, Germany 5-6 March 2015.
  • “Justice linguistique dans les activités d’entreprise: le cas de la propriété intellectuelle”, Workshop « Language policy in multilingual and multicultural workplaces : A means of inclusion or exclusion? », Université du Luxembourg, 10 February 2015 [invited speaker].
  • “Innovation and Language Policy: Evaluating the Language Regime of the PCT System”, Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Law and Economics (SIDE), Università degli Studi di Roma « La Sapienza”, Rome 18-20 December 2014.
  • “Sprachengerechtigkeit, Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachenpolitik in der EU“, Die Plansprachenbewegung rund um den Ersten Weltkrieg, 24. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik e.V. (GIL), Berlin, 21-23 November 2014.
  • “Multilingualism for effective communication. An evaluation of the European Commission’s de facto language policy”, “Multidisciplinary approaches in language policy and planning” conference, the University of Calgary, Canada,4-6 September 2014.
  • "Lingva justeco: kiel taksi ĝin? La ekzemplo de Eŭropa Unio”, Internacia Kongresa Universitato, Universala Esperanto-Asocio, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26 July – 2 August 2014.
  • “Language policy, efficiency and redistribution: Towards effective policies” (with François Grin and François Vaillancourt), Economy and Language: An Interdisciplinary Workshop, the University of Chicago Center in Paris, 19-20 June 2014 [invited speaker].
  • “Il multilinguismo nell’Unione europea e le politiche linguistiche”, Osservatorio di terminologia e politiche linguistiche, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 7 May 2014 [invited speaker].
  • “Language planning and linguistic justice: An empirical analysis of the EU’s language policy”, 3rd LINEE+ Conference: “Linguistic and cultural diversity in space and time”, Inter-University Centre (IUC), Dubrovnik, 27-30 April 2014.
  • “Linguistic justice in the EU: why multilingualism is (still) better than monolingualism”, Workshop ‘The Multilingual Challenge in the Framework of Horizon 2020’, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Wassenaar, The Netherlands, 16-19 October 2013.
  • “The more languages the better? Evaluating the fairness and the efficiency of the language policy of the PCT”, 30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE), Uniwersytet Warszawski (University of Warsaw), Poland, 26-28 September 2013.
  • “Information costs asymmetries in the European patent system: A barrier to integration?” (with Alessia Volpe, in absentia), Democracy and Technology Tensions of Europe from 19th to the 21st century, Université Sorbonne Paris, France, 19-21 September 2013.
  • “Language planning and linguistic justice in the European Union. The socio-economic consequences of multilingualism”, Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning Conference, the University of Calgary, Canada, 5-7 September 2013.
  • “The Problem of University Rankings”, Nitobe Symposium on Languages and Internationalization in Higher Education: Ideologies, Practices, Alternatives, Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems, Reykjavík, Iceland, 18-20 July 2013 [invited speaker].
  • “Giustizia linguistica e multilinguismo”, International conference L’Università per il multilinguismo: politiche per le lingue straniere, politiche per l’italiano, Università di Bologna, 23-24 May 2013 [invited speaker].
  • “Language policy and linguistic justice in the European Union”, 21st annual symposium on language and society, University of Texas at Austin, USA, 12-13 April 2013.
  • “Il contributo dell’economia delle lingue alla valutazione dell’efficienza e dell’equità dei regimi linguistici: teoria e applicazione al caso dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Proprietà Intellettuale”, XLVI Congresso Internazionale della Società di linguistica italiana, Università per stranieri di Siena, Italy, 28 September 2012.
  • “The impact of university rankings and international mobility on linguistic diversity in scientific communication”, 19th Sociolinguistics Symposium, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 23 August 2012.
  • “Linguistic justice and intellectual property: An evaluation of the distributive effects of the language regime of the European Patent Office”, 4th Annual Workshop of the International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property “Intellectual Property as Cultural Technology”, London School of Economics, UK, 26 June 2012.
  • “Gli effetti dell’internazionalizzazione degli atenei e della valutazione della ricerca sulla diversità linguistica”, Università degli Studi del Sannio, Benevento, Italy, 8 May 2012 [invited speaker].
  • “L’évaluation des politiques linguistiques dans le domaine de la propriété industrielle”, Le rôle des pratiques langagières dans la constitution des espaces sociaux pluriels d’aujourd’hui : un défi pour la linguistique appliquée, Colloque de la VALS/ASLA, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, 2 February 2012.
  • “Quels critères d’évaluation pour les politiques linguistiques”, L'impact des politiques linguistiques sur l'emploi et la compétitivité économique, Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV, Bordeaux, Francia, 13 December 2011 [invited speaker].
  • “Evaluation in language policy and planning (LPP). On the need for operationalising choice criteria” (with F. Grin), 3rd International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity (LED 2011), University of Auckland, New Zealand, 24 November 2011.
  • “Multilingualism in economic processes: identifying and measuring effectiveness” (with F. Grin), 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 北京外国语大学 (Beijing Foreign Studies University), Beijing, China, 24 August 2011.
  • “Operationalizing choice criteria in language policy” (with F. Grin), L’évaluation dans un contexte de mouvance individuelle et sociétale/ Evaluation in a Context of Individual and Global Mobility, University of Ottawa, Canada, 29 April 2011.
  • “Evaluating language policies for minority languages: principles and methodology”, Minority Languages in Europe: Success and Challenges, Indiana University at Bloomington, USA, 9 October 2010.
  • “Assessing efficiency and fairness in language policy and planning”, Applied Linguistics: Global and Local, British Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, University of Aberdeen, UK, 10 September 2010.
  • “The linguistic implications of university performance indicators”, New challenges for multilingualism in Europe, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb - LINEE Network of Excellence, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 13 April 2010.
  • “Student mobility and linguistic diversity in Italy: Challenges and policies”, International conference on Transnational Student Mobility, CALPIU (Network for Cultural and Linguistic Practices in the International University), Roskilde University, Denmark, 15 December 2008.
  • “Multilingualism and the economics of language policies”, Multilingualism and Intercultural Dialogue in Globalisation, International Conference organised by the European Commission, University of Delhi, India, 12 December 2008 [invited speaker].
  • “Towards efficiency and fairness indicators for the evaluation of language regimes in the European Union”, Symposium on Multilingualism in EU Institutions, AILA 2008 Conference on Multilingualism: Challenges and Opportunities, 28 August 2008, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany [invited speaker].
Non-refereed presentations: Presentations to practitioners and/or policymakers, seminars and workshops
  • “Research assessment and linguistic diversity: Why a multilingual approach brings about higher social benefits”, Multilingualism in Research and Assessment in Higher Education Seminar and Workshop, Universität Konstanz, 4 – 5 04 2024 [invited speaker].
  • “Emergency Language Policy”, I-LanD Seminar Series – 3rd Edition "Politics and Crisis Management in Media Communication", Università degli Studi di Napoli l’Orientale, 21 03 2024 [invited speaker].
  • “Economia, lingue e giustizia linguistica”, «La lingua madre. La lingua che conviene», AIIC Italia – As-sociazione internazionale interpreti di conferenza, Sala Consiliare Senato della Repubblica, 21 02 2024 [invited speaker].
  • “Does Language Policy and Planning matter for Public Policy Studies?”, 'Pushing boundaries' seminar series, Ulster University, 13 12 2023 [invited speaker].
  • “Lingvo-politiko kaj planado”, postgraduate studies in Interlinguistics, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickie-wicza w Poznaniu, Poznan, 8 09 2023 [invited speaker].
  • “La politica linguistica dell’Unione europea: può la traduzione contribuire alla giustizia e democrazia linguistica?”, Laboratorio di redattologia e traduttologia, dipartimento di lingue e letterature, comuni-cazione, formazione e società, Università di Udine, 5 07 2023 [invited speaker].
  • “20 anni con Gabriele Iannàccaro”, Giornata in ricordo di Gabriele Iannàccaro, Università Milano-Bicocca, 18 04 2023 [invited speaker].
  • “L’approccio al multilinguismo nella politica di comunicazione dell'Unione europea”, Federazione esperantista italiana, Biblioteca di Crema, 15 04 2023 [invited speaker].
  • “L’approche du multilinguisme par l’Union européenne dans sa propre politique de communication” (with Laure Clément-Wilz), Round table « Pourquoi et comment renforcer le multilinguisme dans les institutions de l’Union européenne ? », GEM+ (pour une Gouvernance Européenne Multilingue) 15 December 2022 [invited speaker].
  • “The European Union's approach to multilingualism in its own communication policy”, Seminars of the “Migration, Identity, and Translation Network (MITN)”, University of Warwick, 7 December 2022 [invited speaker].
  • “The protection and promotion of minority languages and the economics of language policy”, FUEN Forum of the European Minority Regions: “Minorities mean business – How a different language and culture can attract investors and tourists”, Galway, 10-12 November 2022 [invited speaker].
  • “La gestion de la diversité des langues au défi des crises actuelles“, Table ronde Faculté de Traduction et d’interprétation, Université de Genève, 27 11 2022 [invited speaker].
  • “Minoranze linguistiche in Italia e in Europa: le buone pratiche”, Tavola rotonda finalizzata alla promozione e valorizzazione delle minoranze linguistiche del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Udine, 21 October 2022 [invited speaker].
  • “Politiche linguistiche implicite e anglificazione dell’università in Europa”, United in diversity: Repertori multilingui e incentivi di politica e pianificazione linguistica in Europa, Università di Firenze, 9 May 2022 [invited speaker].
  • “Towards an index of linguistic justice”, Linguistic Justice Society Online Seminars, 25 May 2022 [invited speaker].
  • “Promoting multilingualism through university rankings”, Language(s) and the construction of knowledge in European HE, 2022 Symposium of the European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism, Università per Stranieri di Siena, 8-9 April 2022 [invited speaker].
  • “The multilingual public administration: Government in linguistically diverse societies”, Spring 2022 Online Seminar Series, University of Limerick, 30 March 2022 [invited speaker].
  • “La giustizia linguistica nella comunicazione dell’Unione europea”, Prelegoj pri Esperanto-historio, filozofio kaj kulturo, Florenca Esperanto-Asocio, 22 February 2022 [invited speaker].
  • “La progettazione del sistema informativo del Piano generale di politica linguistica per la lingua friulana 2021-2025”, III conferenza regionale sulla lingua friulana, Autonomous Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia, 5 November 2021 [invited speaker].
  • “The bilingualism bonus programme outside Slovenia: Belgium Canada, and Italy”, Workshop Institutional Bilingualism in the Ethnically Mixed Areas in Slovenia: Bilingualism Bonus Programme, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana, 25 October 2021.
  • “The European Union’s approach to multilingualism in its own communications policy” (with Carlos Mendez), European Day of Languages, European Parliament, 27 September 2021 [invited speaker].
  • “An index of linguistic justice as a tool for conflict pre-emption” (with Mark Fettes), Nitobe Symposium “Language, conflict, and security”, Ulster University, 26-27 July 2021.
  • “The value of languages in the labour market”, Seminario de Política Lingüística, Planificación Lingüística y Evaluación en Centroamérica y el Caribe: Realidades y Necesidades, Universidad de Costa Rica, 10th May 2021 [invited speaker].
  • “Sick Linguistic Rights”? Language Policy in the SDGs and in the Covid-19 Pandemic”, 10th Economic and Social Council Youth Forum Linguistic Rights and Young People: Challenges and Opportunities, 6 April 2021 [invited speaker].
  • “Creating Through Creating Europe Through Multilingualism”, Roundtable, European Studies Center, University of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, 18 March 2021 [invited speaker].
  • “La valeur du plurilinguisme dans le marché du travail”, Forum de carrières francophones, University of Galatasaray, Istanbul, 14 December 2020 [invited speaker].
  • “Educazione plurilingue nell'Europa post Brexit”, webinar Politiche linguistiche per una internazionalizzazione autentica, Italian Ministery of Education, Rome, 2 December 2020 [invited speaker].
  • “Opinionen divergentes about langue policies”, virtual Polyglot gathering, Bratislava, 31 May 2020 [invited speaker].
  • “Social and Economic Participation and Inclusion of Linguistic Minorities”, workshop Social and economic effective participation and inclusion of national minorities – an expert discussion, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, The Hague, 30 April 2020, [invited speaker].
  • “The Economics of Languages and the Evaluation of Language Policy: An Overview”, Research seminars, School of Communication and Media, Ulster University, Jordanstown, 20 January 2020 [invited speaker].
  • “The importance of foreign Languages in a post-Brexit UK”, Policy Workshop: Languages, Business, Trade and Innovation, House of Commons, Westminster, London, 30 January 2020 [invited speaker].
  • “Lingva politiko kaj lingva justeco en nuntempa Eŭropo“, 86-a Itala Kongreso de Esperanto, Trieste, 24–31 August 2019 [invited speaker].
  • “Managing multilingualism in the public administration: A comparative analysis”, Treasury Board Secretariat, Ottawa, 7 June 2019 [invited speaker].
  • “Minority language education from an economic perspective”, European Forum on Education, Language and the Human Rights of Minorities, European Parliament, Brussels, 6-7 May 2019 [invited speaker].
  • “The Multilingual Public Administration: Challenges and Instruments”, 3° FUEN Regional Forum, “Shaping our regions” – Minority communities and languages in European regions – Bolzano/Bozen 14 December 2018 [invited speaker].
  • “Ma l'inglese è veramente indispensabile? Verso una politica plurilinguistica consapevole”, Round Table L’evoluzione della gestione delle risorse umane: sfide e prospettive future, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 13 December 2018 [invited speaker].
  • “Minority languages in an economic perspective”, Workshop Language revitalisation and economic transformation, Revitalise – Language Revitalisation and Social Transformation, Cardiff, 5 October 2018 [invited speaker].
  • “Debato pri Esperanto kaj sociaj sciencoj”, Nitobe-simposium “Esperanto kaj universitato”, Lisbon, 4-5 August 2018.
  • “Modelli di tutela e pratiche di successo per l’insegnamento delle lingue minoritarie in Europa”, Kick-off meeting of the Project “RUSH” (re- and up-skilling horizons), Region of Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Cividale del Friuli, Italy 16 January 2018 [invited speaker].
  • “Una lingua assolutamente indispensabile usata da pochi. Plurilinguismo, inglese ed equità in Italia e in Europa”, Seminario nazionale LEND «Apprendere le lingue: Strumenti? Cultura?», Milan, 20-21 October 2017 [invited speaker].
  • “Politiche linguistiche e plurilinguismo universitario”, Round Table “Diversità linguistica ed equità nell’Università”, Centro Studi Sereno Regis, Turin, 25 May 2017.
  • “Multilingualism and the EU after Brexit”, conference on Le multilinguisme dans l'UE après le Brexit, Council of the European Union, Brussels, 15 May 2017 [invited speaker].
  • “Il Piano ‘Trentino Trilingue’ visto da una prospettiva economica”, Festival delle Lingue, IPRASE (Istituto provinciale per la ricerca e la sperimentazione educativa), 9-11 March 2017 [invited speaker].
  • “La politique de plurilinguisme de la Confédération : Vers une évaluation globale et systémique de la mise en œuvre de la Loi sur les langues du 5 octobre 2007 et l’Ordonnance sur les langues du 4 juin 2010”, Seminar of the Groupe Accompagnement Plurilinguisme (GAP) Swiss Confederation, Déléguée fédérale au plurilinguisme, Berne, 18 November 2016 [invited speaker].
  • “The economics of minority languages”, Seminar Languages create wealth, Finnish Embassy in Budapest, 9 November 2016 [invited speaker].
  • “EU strategy for multilingualism: benefits and costs”, Seminar What is the role of regional or minority languages in the local economies of Europe? Multilingualism for Economic Growth and Jobs in EU regions, Network for the Promotion of Linguistic Diversity (NPLD) and the Region of Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Brussels, Belgium, 27 October 2016 [invited speaker].
  • “Le multilinguisme dans l’Union européenne après le Brexit”, Maison de la Francité, Soirée of the group “Pour une Gouvernance Européenne Multilingue (GEM+)”, Bruxelles, 27 October 2016.
  • “Benefits and costs of the European strategy for multilingualism”, Presentation for the Committee on Culture and Education, European Parliament, Brussels, 14 July 2016 [invited speaker].
  • “La tutela delle minoranze linguistiche nell’Unione Europea”, Round table, Lingua friulana e autonomia: i venti anni della legge regionale 15 del 1996, Agenzia Regionale per la lingua friulana (ARLeF), San Vito al Tagliamento, Udine, Italy, 22 March 2016 [invited speaker].
  • “Évaluer une politique linguistique : le rôle des indicateurs”, Conference Politique de plurilinguisme: une politique publique comme les autres ? Swiss Confederation, Déléguée fédérale au plurilinguisme / Services du Parlement, Berne, 1 March 2016 [invited speaker].
  • “L’anglificazione dell’università: una politica inefficace ed iniqua”, Round table on “Internazionalizzazione dell’università e giustizia linguistica”, Associazione “Nitobe”, Turin, Italy, 23 November 2015.
  • “The economic value of minority languages”, (NPLD) Network for the Promotion of Linguistic Diversity’s High-level Conference on Multilingualism, Migration and the Economy. Towards a New Roadmap for Linguistic Diversity in Europe, Brussels, Belgium, 18 November 2015 [invited speaker].
  • “La valenza economica delle competenze linguistiche”, Seminar «Le risorse immateriali per il futuro del Trentino. Il caso delle competenze linguistiche», IPRASE-Provincia autonoma di Trento, 30 October 2015 [invited speaker].
  • “The evaluation of language policies: The role of indicators”, Pre-conference meeting Connecting language policy research and language policy practice, the University of Calgary, Canada, 2 September 2015 [invited speaker].
  • “Giustizia linguistica in Europa: Perché il multilinguismo conviene?”, International Mother Tongue Day, Esperanto Association “Canuto”, International library “Ilaria Alpi”, Parma, 21 February 2015 [invited speaker].
  • “Scientific research on languages and the economy: An overview”, Round table on “Languages and the economy”, Network for the Promotion of Linguistic Diversity (NPLD), Welsh Government European Office, Brussels, Belgium, 21 January 2015 [invited speaker].
  • “Lingva Justeco en Eŭropa Unio”, Symposium Justicia lingüística en la práctica La experiencia latinoamericana y sus tendencias, Liga Internacional de Docentes Esperantistas (ILEI), Montevideo, Uruguay, 24 July 2014.
  • “Justícia lingüística a la Unió Europea”, Espai VilaWeb, Barcelona, Spain, 9 July 2014 [invited speaker].
  • “Multilingualism and Linguistic Justice in the EU”, 2014 Polyglot Gathering in Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 15 June 2014.
  • “Lingva justeco, lingva politiko kaj Eŭropo”, Congrès 2014 de l’espéranto en France, Chambéry, France, 31 May 2014 [invited speaker].
  • “Language policy and linguistic justice in the European Union: Is monolingualism more effective and fair than multilingualism?” DG Interpretation – DG Translation- Universities conference "Translating and interpreting for our citizens", European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, 27-28 March 2014 [invited speaker].
  • “Politiche linguistiche, innovazione tecnologica e brevetti industriali”, Conference «Lingua è sviluppo», Società Umanitaria, Milan, Italy, 6 February 2014 [invited speaker].
  • “Language planning and linguistic justice in Europe: An evaluation of the EU language regime”, CASE Vorlesung (Center for Applied Statistics and Economics, Berlin), Berlin, Germany, 4 February 2014.
  • “Il valore economico del multilinguismo”, Le lingue e la città - Lavoro - Cittadini – Culture, LEND [Lingue e nuova didattica] – Training workshop, Florence, Italy, 25 October 2013 [invited speaker].
  • “Designing policy indicators: Towards an application to language rights and language policies”, Expert Workshop - National Minority Indicators – Piloting Indicators for the Implementation of the Framework convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg, Germany, 6 July 2013 (with François Grin, in absentia).
  • “Giustizia linguistica e politiche linguistiche: perché conviene promuovere l’italiano e il multilinguismo”, Giornata di studi “Alternative al ‘solo inglese’: discutiamone”, Coscienza svizzera, Lugano, Switzerland, 23 February 2013 [invited speaker].
  • “Costi e benefici dell’omologazione linguistica: una prospettiva economica”, Convegno di studi « Lingua Cultura Libertà », Società Umanitaria, Milano, Italy, 20 February 2013 [invited speaker].
  • “Results of the project ‘Linguistic justice in Europe: The distributive consequences of EU multilingual communication’”, Doktorandenseminar, Institut für Finanzwissenschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, 12 January 2013.
  • “Quelques conclusions du programme européen DYLAN (Dynamiques des langues et gestion de la diversité)”, Annual conference of the European Observatory for Plurilingualism, Rome, Italy, 10 October 2012 [invited speaker].
  • “Il valore economico delle lingue”, Annual conference of the European Observatory for Plurilingualism, Rome, Italy 10 October 2012 [invited speaker].
  • “Lingvaj politikoj kaj ekonomiko: aliroj kaj rezultoj”, 9th Congress of the Eŭropa Esperanto-Unio, Galway, Ireland, 16 July 2012 [invited speaker].
  • “Conséquences économiques et financières de l’hégémonie de l’anglais”, Le « tout anglais » dans l’entreprise : des mythes à la réalité et à la recherche de solutions alternatives. Conférence CFE-CGC (Confédération française de l'encadrement - Confédération générale des cadres), Paris, France, 7 March 2012 [invited speaker].
  • “Linguistic justice in Europe: The distributive consequences of EU multilingual communication”, Doktorandenseminar, Institut für Finanzwissenschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 22 February 2012.
  • “L’évaluation des politiques linguistiques”, Rencontre jeunes chercheurs, Université de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland, 25 May 2011.
  • “Efficiency and fairness in multilingual communication: policy analysis approach and indicator system” (with F. Grin), VIII DYLAN Consortium Meeting, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 16-20 May 2011.
  • “Language policy and planning and evaluation theory”, ECMI workshop The Value of Linguistic Diversity: Regimes, Policies and Practices across Europe, European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg, Germany, 11-13 November 2010.
  • “Criteria-based comparison in language policy: principles and methodology” (with F. Grin), VII DYLAN Consortium Meeting, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 25-26 October 2010.
  • “The economics of language regimes”, Second DYLAN Doctoral School, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, 23 September 2010.
  • “Enkonduko en la ekonomikon de la lingvoj”, Kultura Centro de Esperanto (KCE), La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, 16 August 2010 [invited speaker].
  • “Les défis linguistiques de l’usage des indicateurs de performance académique”, Le français dans l'enseignement universitaire et la recherche scientifique, Seminar organised by the Délégation à la langue française (DLF), Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 8 december 2009 [invited speaker].
  • “Le conseguenze linguistiche dell’internazionalizzazione dell’Università”, Globalizzazione e comunicazione linguistica. Scenari futuri per una comunicazione transnazionale equa e sostenibile. Italian Youth Forum, Rome, Italy, 27 November 2009 [invited speaker] (in absentia. Paper read by Mrs Di Pietrantonio).
  • “The process of indicator design” (with F. Grin), VI DYLAN Consortium Meeting, Glasgow University, Glasgow, UK, 19-21 October 2009.
  • “The evaluation of efficiency and fairness in the management of multilingual communication”, Poster. LINEE Training Institute (“Languages In a Network of European Excellence”) doctoral school, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, 23 June 2009.
  • "Considerazioni sul saggio ‘L’insegnamento delle lingue straniere come politica pubblica’”, Intervention for the Premio “italiano zerbino della lingua inglese”, Press room of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Rome, Italy, 13 May 2009 [invited speaker].
  • “Il problema delle lingue nell’Unione europea”, Liceo Scientifico “N. Copernico”, Udine, Italy, 8 April 2009 [invited speaker].
  • “Efficiency and Fairness” (with F. Grin), V DYLAN Consortium Meeting, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 26-27 January 2009.
  • “L’internazionalizzazione dell’Università: sfide e politiche linguistiche”, Study day on 2008: Anno Internazionale delle Lingue, Diritti Umani e Diritti linguistici, Federazione Esperantista Italiana, Salone dei Cinquecento, Florence, Italy, 25 November 2008 [invited speaker].
  • “L'enseignement universitaire: les enjeux politiques de l'internationalisation”, International Symposium to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights and the 100th anniversary of the Universal Esperanto-Association on Linguistic Rights in the World, the current situation, United Nations (UN), Geneva, Switzerland, 24 April 2008 [invited speaker].
  • “L’impact des politiques et stratégies linguistiques” (with F. Grin), IV DYLAN Consortium Meeting, École Normale Supérieure (Lettres et sciences humaines), Lyon, France, 17-18 April 2008.
  • “Evaluating Efficiency and Fairness of Language Policies for the Management of Multilingual Communication”, DYLAN Doctoral school, École Normale Supérieure (Lettres et sciences humaines), Lyon, France, 16 April 2008.
  • “Communiquer dans un contexte multilingue: la perspective économique de l’efficience et de l’équité”, Session conclusive du projet SCALA TransEurope (Stratégies innovantes et standards de qualité pour l’apprentissage bilingue en Europe), Geneva, Switzerland, 6 March 2008 [invited speaker].
  • “An Economics Perspective on Regional or Minority Language Protection and Promotion”, (on behalf of F. Grin) - International Mother Tongue Day, UNESCO, Paris, France, 21 February 2008.
  • “Sfide globali, equità e politiche linguistiche”, La traduzione automatica di fronte alle sfide della globalizzazione. Locomia Comunicazione Integrata, Centro Congressi Fondazione Cariplo, Milan, Italy, 28 January 2008 [invited speaker].
  • “Efficience et équité dans la communication multilingue” (with F. Grin), III DYLAN Consortium Meeting, Frei Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 4-6 November 2007.
  • “Vers des indicateurs d’efficience et d’équité dans la gestion de la communication multilingue”, Journée des doctorant-e-s de l’ETI, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 1 June 2007.
  • “Efficience et équité : approches” (with F. Grin), II DYLAN Consortium Meeting, Universität Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 21-22 May 2007.
  • “Dieci anni di sostegno europeo alle lingue regionali o minoritarie: una valutazione finanziaria”, Seminar La legge 482/99 e l'Università: spunti di riflessione in vista di un bilancio e di nuove proposte. Centro Internazionale sul Plurilinguismo, Udine, Italy, 16 February 2007.
  • “EU Multilingualism: the need for accompanying measures” (on behalf of F. Grin), Perspectives on Language Policy and Language Rights in the EU. Conference organised by the “Visegrad Group” States, Bratislava, Slovakia, 24 November 2006.
  • "The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cultural policies addressing the social exclusion of ethnic minorities in the European Union". Dissemination conference for the project OMC - Evaluation of the impact of inclusion policies under the open method of co-ordination in the EU. European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg, Germany, 17 October 2006.
  • “Managing Multilingualism in the European Union. How to Evaluate Language Regimes?” - Seminar: Flerspråkighet & internationell kommunikation i EU, Möjligheter, modeler och risker. Goteborg University, Goteborg, Sweden, 15 June 2006 [invited speaker].